Ms. Berger's Gateway English Homepage

Welcome to Our Gateway English Website

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Essential questions for our current unit: 


Conflict and Relationships Unit

*What kinds of relationships are important to me?

*What is the value of relationships in my life?

*When does conflict add value to a relationship?

*How could conflict be resolved in a relationship?

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Classroom Rules  

#1 – There will be only positive thinking in our classroom - no negative comments to each other and no negative comments or thoughts to or about ourselves.  We are all here for the same reason, to learn and learning is a process.  No one starts at perfection, that’s why we have drafts!


#2 – Maintain an atmosphere of respect in our classroom.  Treat your classmates, teacher, and guests with the same respect you wish to be treated.   

               - Side conversations are rude.

               - Always be prepared for class.

               - Respect all ideas given in.  


#3 - If you need to leave the class, you must sign out in the logbook located next to the door.  You must sign your name, where you are going, and the time (out & in).  One person at a time, please.


#4 – Always be prepared for class, it is great practice for life.


#5 – Keep an open mind.


#6 – Develop your own discretion - Nothing is allowed that stops the teacher (or guest) from teaching and nothing is allowed that prevents other students from learning. 

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Check out this awesome link:
Learn, donate, and procrastinate all at the same time!  Believe it or not, some of our vocabulary words can be found here too.  Warning -  addictive!  Wink

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