Block Two

Berger's Block Two

Berger's Block Two invites you to read our web page.  Our block is currently working on a conflicts and relationships unit, and within that unit we are exploring poetry.  We would like to introduce ourselves to you with a poem we wrote together.

We Are

We are determined and unique.

We wonder what our futures are going to be like.

We hear the beeping of our computers’ firewalls. 

We see the people with faces of glee. 

We want to own the decision making process.

We are smart and loud.


We pretend death doesn’t scare us.

We feel the other team coming at us.

We touch every star in the galaxy when we are with you.

We worry we will get tackled. 

We cry when we think about the hard times in the past. 

We are one-legged dancers.


We understand that everything happens for a reason.

We say lots of words.

We dream about our futures.

We try to do better each game.

We hope everything is going the right way

We are ballers, and the next great things.