Block Three

Berger's Block Three 

Berger's Block Three invites you to read our web page.  Our block is currently working on a conflicts and relationships unit, and within that unit we are exploring poetry.  We would like to introduce ourselves to you with a poem we wrote together.

We Are

We are free fallin’.

We wonder if people know. 

We hear wolves howl out of key.

We see a new world.

We want to be there. 

We are the masters.  


We pretend we are on our own. 

We feel split in half.

We touch the jersey and the ball.

We worry that we’ll mess up. 

We cry when we are rejected. 

We are emotional and crazy awesome.


We understand a few things. 

We say things that make no sense.

We dream about our freedom. 

We try to think positive.

We hope they care.

We are dreamers.